Priodontes maximus


Priodontes maximus
The giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus), also known Cuspon, Cuspa gigante, Cuspa big, Cachicamo gigante, or Tatú carreta, or cabassou Guyana is the species most among armadillos. Names Brazilian tatu-canastra, tatu-açu, tatu-carreta. It is the only species of the genus Priodontes.

It is found in the rainforest of eastern South America and in other habitats as fairly remote northern Argentina. He lives in nearby rivers and lakes. The species is classified at risk of extinction.

The giant armadillo loves termites and ants: it can, unlike other armadillos, destroy all of one of their colonies. It also feeds other insects, spiders, small snakes and carrion that is returning to the ground.

The giant armadillo normally weighs about 20 to 30 kg and up to 60 kg (?) In the wild. Its length is 90 to 160 cm, whose third for the tail. He has a skeletal frame (11 to 13 strips), covering his back and his side, which seemed very rigid, however, is well flexible. Contrary to appearances, the giant armadillo is an animal fast. Some hair are visible between the slabs. The color is yellow on the sides and brown on the back. The legs, with long claws enable it to build enormous cavities as a terrier, to search and destroy the ant and termite. His language secretes a sticky substance to catch insects. He has a very good smell enabling it to detect the whereabouts of its prey. The other senses are not developed: it does not distinguish colors, but it is unimportant, since it is a nocturnal animal. He spent the day lurking in its burrow. He lives on average 12 to 15 years.

Outside the mating period, both sexes live apart, living separate burrows. The mating results from the encounter of a male and a female in a burrow.

Females have a gestation period of 16 weeks, and they have 1 to 3 small.

His only predator is man, who hunt to use its armour for craft and its flesh as food. His disappearance has also caused the disappearance of its habitat with deforestation and livestock development. It survives easily in captivity.

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