

The turkey is a bird of high poultry yard for his flesh. In Mésoamérique, she was one of the only animals high by the native peoples during thousands of years. Discover in North America (Mexico), by the first Spanish settlers, the turkey is imported in Europe at first of the XVIIe century. The turkey gurgles. It was domesticated since more than 1000 years by the Mexican ones, it is known since as Guajolote, nahualt and it does important party of the Mexican gastronomy.

The male carries the name of turkey and the small door the name of turkey.

Economical weight
France would be the world-wide productive second, with 625 000 t/years (declaration of the France to the CAM in 2004, for 2 millions of tons of poultries all confused types produced in 2004 in France). More third of the French production is intended for the exports (220 000 tec in 2005 according to the farm Office). Most of these exportations are destined to European countries, to the first row of which ones is located Germany. For a number of years, the French production of turkey, confronted to a decrease of the internal consumption and exportations on the European market, withdraws itself.

This bird is particularly sensitive to the flu aviaire and notably to the virus H5N1, this is the reason why the breeders are invited to apply attentively the measures of obligatory confinement in the zones to risks. The first one and only touched farm in France by the H5N1 was a turkey farm (to Versailleux, in the Ain in 2006). All the farms of turkeys of the planet originate of a small number of breeding ones imported then selected since three centuries, which has entrainé a strong genetic homogenization, that returns the stumps domesticated probably more sensitive to the flare-ups epidemics.


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