Aurora Falter


Aurora Falter
The Orange Tip (Anthocharis cardamines) is a butterfly (butterflies) from the family of Weiblinge (Pieridae).

The moths can reach a wing span of 35 to 45 millimeters. The wings of both sexes are white, while the extreme tip of Vorderflugel grey to grey-black colour and some in the middle of this wing a small black point to recognise. The outer half of the Vorderflugel of males is strikingly coloured orange. Since the orange coloring in the missing females are easily with other types of white Lingen (Pieridae) to be confused. The distinction will be made on the basis of the rear wing base, with two Gechlechtern an irregular schmutziggrune and yellowish-white spot drawing. When males is the orange color of the Vorderflügeloberseite on the bottom to see.

The caterpillars are about 30 millimeters long. The blue-green upper hand in the body into the white pages. At the bottom, they are dark green. This coloring it comes to a brightening of the Korperschattens and requires a good camouflage.

Similar types

The males are unmistakable, the females are, however, with several types to be confused:

* Resedafalter (Pontia edusa)
* Bath White,
* Mattfleckiger White (Euchloe simplonia)
* Anthocharis damone
* Anthocharis euphenoides


* Anthocharis cardamines progressa (Sovinsky 1905)
* Anthocharis cardamines septentionalis (Wnukowsky, 1927)
* Anthocharis cardamines phoenissa (Kalchberg, 1894)
* Anthocharis cardamines (Hemming, 1933)
* Anthocharis cardamines koreana (Matsumura, 1925)
* Anthocharis cardamines kobayashii (Matsumura, 1925)
* Anthocharis cardamines isshikii (Matsumura, 1925)
* Anthocharis cardamines hayashii (Fujioka, 1970)

The Aurora moths are all over Europe and the Middle East is widespread. In Asia, in temperate areas to Japan. They live in poor areas and dry meadows or on wetlands, and in light and moist forests. They are often almost everywhere.

Way of life
In May the female attaches an egg, sometimes several, to the flowering stems of forage crops. The spindle-shaped egg white initially, and later red. After a few days to slip the caterpillars to preferred by the flowers and Fruchstanden (pods) of cruciferous to feed. They are strict loner and avoid the company of fellow. The caterpillars are because of their coloring is difficult to discover. After about five weeks, the Fress and growth phase has been completed. Caterpillar is now seeking a suitable base near the bottom Pflanzenstängel mostly on their Fraßpflanze. It spins a loop through which they are on stems festheftet to graubraunen belt in a doll to verpuppen. The doll does holzartig is narrow and has a sickle ausgezogenes head, which they like plants thorns. The doll overwinter, the butterfly slips after a ten dolls rest in the first heat period in the following year.

The preferred Raupenfraßpflanzen of Aurorafalters are Cardamine pratensis (Card amines pratensis) and garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata). Furthermore fodder plant species are the cruciferous (Brassicaceae), for example Annual honesty (Lunaria annua) or Dame's Rocket (Hesperis matronalis).

Read also Papillon


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