Insurance and bonding


Insurance and bonding.

Most professional pet sitters are insured through nationwide Pet Sitter insurance providers.

As of 2007, the major American and Canadian pet sitting insurance providers include claim limits from 2 million to 4 million per claim for liability claims. They also include coverage for care, custody, and control of the client pets from $10,000 to $200,000 per occurrence. Coverage is included for fire damage, lost keys, and other negligence claims. Because many North American pet sitting insurers do not provide coverage to minors, most professional pet sitters are over eighteen years of age.

As of 2007, the major UK pet sitting insurance providers include similar claim coverages as the USA providers. The limits for liability claims range from £750 to £10,000.

Most pet sitter insurance plans provide coverage for pet transport. They also provide services for most animals, except those that may be used for other business ventures, including farming.

Some resources recommend that pet sitters be bonded. That recommendation has been dismissed by many professional organizations in recent years.

A dishonesty or fidelity bond claim generally applies when a pet sitter is convicted in criminal court of theft from a client home. When the pet sitter is convicted, the bond will reimburse the client for the loss, and then seek reimbursement from the pet sitter. This process often requires many years, and usually relies on a criminal law court conviction.

Many pet sitters have decided to seek actual insurance coverage for theft instead of procuring a bond. Theft insurance coverage does not require convictions, and usually includes coverage for accidental breakage, mysterious disappearance, and accidental damage to items in a client home.

Other insurance topics
Pet sitters are generally not protected from injury to themselves by regular pet sitting liability coverage. Pet sitter liability insurance usually covers injury to other people and other pets.

In the USA insurance professionals recommend that homeowners carry homeowners insurance or umbrella insurance before hiring a pet sitter.


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