Ants (Formicidae) are among the staatenbildenden insects. In the States, there are ants strict division of labor. In addition to queens, workers and sometimes soldiers. Ants are generally flügellos, but for the propagation spurred mostly females and males used.
Worldwide, there are more than 12,000 known species so far. Ants are flexible and adaptable. They are found in tropical jungles and on the Arctic Circle, in the high mountains and in deserts. Only in Iceland, Greenland, Antarctica and in parts of Polynesia, they are not domiciled. [1] In Europe, approximately 180 species.
The term "ant" comes from Old âmeiza (Abschneiderin).
The head
At the head of the normally round ant there are two antennas. This sensor can with the help of over 2000 sensory cells air currents, temperature fluctuations and odors. They usually at the female of twelve, with the males from 13 Flagellomeren and are angled in the middle, so that their points easily lead to the mouth opening.
The Sehorgane the ants are facets eyes trained. They are like all insects from Ommatidien, each from eight sensory cells, and when the ants are rotational symmetry. This allows ants also the polarization of light exercise. Genera such as Ponera from the sub-family of Ur and Stechameisen or Solenopsis node ants have no more than 15 to 30 per Ommatidien side of the head. Ants, however, have shed up to 30,000 Ommatidien on each side. In general, ants rarely in a position to more than cut-off differences. In addition, ant species known who have no Sehorgane.
The mouth tools are in Upper Lip (labrum), the upper jaw (Mandibeln), lower jaw (maxilla) and lower lip (labium) divides. The most schaufelförmigen and bezahnten Mandibeln provide universal tools dar. They lend themselves equally to the crushing and transporting of solid materials, as well as the struggles with enemies.
The Mesosoma
The Mesosoma, the ants Alitrunk sometimes called, consists of the chest (thorax) and the first Abdominalsegment (Propodeum).
The thorax is, as with all other insects also, in three segments, each with one pair of legs divided. They are seen as Vorderbrust (Pronotum), Middle breast (Mesonotum) chest and back (Metanotum). The Propodeum also Epinotum, is, as with all Taillenwespen, fixed with the Metanotum to grow.
The terms of five existing legs bear on the last of these links between two claws and a warrant apparatus. The former allow for a secure hold while moving on a rough surface. In contrast, the prison system prevented a slippage at smooth surfaces. The front legs of the ants also have a cleaning device with which they dirt particles from the sensors can brush off.
The meta Soma
The meta Soma consists of a stalk or two of limbs and the subsequent Gaster, sometimes wrongly described as a abdomen. Between Mesosoma Gaster and there is either a stalk Cheng Song (Petiolus) Cheng stalk or two songs (Petiolus and Postpetiolus). This will constrictions, as the joints between the body parts work. This is followed by the rest of abdomen (Gaster).
The stalk Cheng Song
Unlike many other insects, ants have a stalk Cheng Song (Petiolus), and Gaster Mesosoma together. The stalk Cheng song is actually the second Abdominalsegment. For some subfamilies is also the third Abdominalsegment to a stalk Cheng Song trained (Postpetiolus).
Using the Zwischengliedes in conjunction with the number of rear body segments, the division into the subfamilies made:
* Stechameisen (Ponerinae): a link, in addition striking inlet between the first and second segment of the Hinterleibs
* Glands ants (Dolichoderinae): a link, in addition viergliedriger abdomen
* Shed ants (Formicinae): a link, in addition fünfgliedriger abdomen
* Node ants (Myrmicinae): two intermediate links.
The stalk Cheng Song enables a strong movement of the Hinterleibs. This may turn down, in order of the targeted squirting Wehrsekreten in dangerous situations. Ants can substances up to a meter wide to ejaculate. The stem can also including Gaster almost vertically upwards. This attitude is especially for the supply of fragrances used. They talk of the so-called Sterzeln. Not least facilitate the mobility of the Hinterleibs cleaning of the rear body with the mouth tools.
The Gaster
The Gaster consists of several segments - body half-rings on the abdomen and back, through the elastic membranes are connected and thus can be shoved into each other. This mechanism can greatly magnified Gaster.
In Gaster, mainly the crop (one of the food Aussackung manager, which serves food storage), the stomach, the intestines and the gonads (gonads) is also contains many of the glands. The stomach is in the front part and is a ventilartiges entity, the so-called valve hopper, with the midgut. When the valve is open funnel, you can mash food from the crop in the midgut over. Only a relatively small portion of the crop stored food goes this route. The main part is removed from the crop back to back mouth opening and shared with other ants. It speaks also of social stomach.
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