The parrot fish (Scarinae) are a sub-family of Lipp fish (Labridae), and are among the Barschartigen (Perciformes).
Existence and way of life
Parrot fish inhabit in large groups only tropical seas. Most species live on coral reefs. Some live in seagrass beds in the upper zones of rocky reefs. With her teeth schnabelartigen graze the low vegetation cover on the free lime surfaces of coral reefs. It will also remove the sediment. Other types cause the sediment, and feed only on plants, like the filamentous algae. This diet parrot fish contribute significantly to the natural erosion of coral reefs. An exception is the buffalo-head parrot fish (Bolbometopon muricatum). He feeds mainly on live corals.
In the night divorced a few species Schleimkokon from where they go to rest. The cocoon is open to the front and rear so that the water can flow through. Other types of sleep in columns.
Your teeth have become a beak to grow. A second set of jaws in the throat, is a modified Pharyngealapparat. The pharyngeal bones are arranged in rows. Their diet, which consists mainly of plants, grind them between the upper and lower jaw to a fine paste.
Parrot fish have a complex reproductive manner that was characteristic of the fish Lipp share. Parrot fish are hermaphrodites. In other words, they can either males or females.
Color phases
There are up to three color through the phases. While the juveniles usually the female sex, the terminal phase of the individuals male.
* As Juvenilphase is not yet sexually phase of the fish. The parrot fish sometimes bear a similar pattern as in the following initial phase.
* With the approach maturation in the initial phase, take the fish on a red gray to brown coloration. At this stage there is usually female. The few males are primary only by their behavior during spawning, and the internal anatomy. In some ways, there is no primary male and they will not change their color. The number and the lack of IP males depends on several factors that are not yet sufficiently clarified.
* By the time the individuals change the initial phase of its color and take the colour of the terminal phase. They move the female gender. Also, the primary male change their color, and are then referred to as the secondary male. In this phase, the fish are sexually males.
The secondary male hold either a small harem or occupy temporary reproductive seats. When spawning in these cases only a TP males and females IP. The Laichakten it may happen, the primary male to the Laichakt erschleichen. You approach the couples in the color of a bitch and leave during spawning large quantities of sperm into the water. They have bigger testicles because their greater capacity to fertilize the eggs as the TP-males. When Massenablaichen give both their semen.
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