Amelanistic Corn Snake
The Kornnatter (Pantherophis guttatus) is a non-toxic Natter from North America. With a typical body length of 120 to 150 cm is one of the medium-sized species within the genus of Kletternattern. They fed themselves as dämmerungs Lauer and nocturnal hunters of small mammals, amphibians, reptiles and birds. Because of its large spreading area, which is over large parts of the eastern United States extends, is the way their appearance is very variable.
Adults Kornnattern reach a body length of 120 cm to 150 cm, in exceptional cases, more than 180 cm (the record is described at 189 cm [1]). The Kornnatter belongs to the mid-sized vipers within the genus Pantherophis. The weight of an adult Kornnatter can vary depending on the season and nutritional status vary greatly, ranging from 200 g for young, sexually mature animals to over 800 g for very large and well genährten individuals. Female animals usually reach a body length greater than males, the sex difference based on external characteristics, it is difficult. Information about sex can be used to the male by the presence of Hemipenestaschen slowly rejuvenating Partie tail and the presence of a smaller number of Subcaudalia while females in a direct comparison.
The physique of Kornnatter is generally slim, the head is only slightly off. The eyes are large and almost immobile, the large, round pupil is a brown iris ring included. The 4th And 5, alternatively the 5th And 6 The 8-9 Upper Lip signs (Supralabialia) are in contact with the eye, which is also a Präoculare, two Postocularia and a large Supraoculare surrounded. The number of 203-245 Ventralia and 47-84 Subcaudalia subject within the large spreading area of a north-south increase. [2] The Anal shield is divided. The jaws are equipped with a series of small, backward-facing teeth filled, which in the case of loss emulated.
In colouring and drawing is the Kornnatter through its large spreading area is very variable, the basic color ranges from a dull gray to a strong brown-orange. The rectangular 34-47, more or less bordered black body and tail spots (Saddle spots ") are usually an orange to reddish-brown coloration and are in form and the number one important feature for the demarcation of Kornnatter of their very similar prairie-Kornnatter (Pantherophis emoryi). Also in the intensity of staining can be applied in Pantherophis guttatus a change along the north-south line of the distribution area observed, with the more-contrast gray-brown colored individuals from northern populations from their rötlicheren, contrast and farbintensiveren brethren from the South . [3] The bright side abdominal characterized by a Kornnatter typical for the "chessboard pattern", which consists of alternating bright and brown-black, rectangular shed. The top head adorns a variable ornament, which the neck in the first semi spot overflowing.
Habitat and disseminating
The distribution of Kornnatter extends along the East Coast of the United States from the state of New York to the Florida Keys. The western populations of Pantherophis guttatus found in the states of Mississippi, Louisiana and Tennessee, where the distribution area of the habitats of Slowinski's Kornnatter (Pantherophis slowinskii) and the prairie-Kornnatter (Pantherophis emoryi) borders.
Due to the large distribution area inhabited the Kornnatter diverse habitats, which is partly considerably in their geographical nature and the local climate distinction. Sun extends its habitat habitats of sea level up to higher layers of more than 750 m. In the different areas of their distribution area inhabited Kornnatter the sommerfeuchte both deciduous and coniferous forests, scrub and grassland areas and wetlands, as Kulturfolger she is also often close to human settlements.
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