Jack Russell Terrier


Jack Russell Terrier
The Jack Russell Terrier, or Jack Russell, is a breed of dog burrows, group 3.

The creator of the race, said John Russell Jack Russell (1795-1883), is an English clergyman. It was truly a passion for hunting and selection cynophile (especially fox terrier and jack russell terrier). For the jack russell, he wanted to get a small dog, short on legs, able to sneak in burrows for example foxes, badgers.

Today, fashionable, he conquered the salons, and appears in many advertisements. But the jack russell has nevertheless retained its character as a fighter. The jack russell is always on the alert, curious, lively and sometimes difficult to keep calm.

The Jack Russell is part of the race "small terriers" created as a working dog, ie bred to hunt foxes, rabbits, rats and mice.

It is an extraordinary companion for people who want a dog feisty, indefatigable and always gay. He learns very quickly good manners and bad. We must therefore educate with firmness and especially not to treat it like a dog show. It would become a dog difficult.

Also very vigilant, it is an excellent watchdog who barks at the slightest noise suspect around the house. Genuine hunting dog, he needs to spend, and much digging to wear out the teeth.

The jack russell, compact little dog, the silhouette of a fox terrier to the smaller and less filled hair. Her dress is very often white and his nose is black. It has drooping ears V-shaped skull and a flat with a strong jaw with teeth chisel.

Jack Russell-famous

* Milo, the dog Stanley Ipkiss in the film adaptation of The Mask
* The dog Prince Charles
* The Patronus Ron Weasley in books and movies Harry Potter

Read also West Highland White Terrier


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