Przewalski Horse


Przewalski Horse
The Przewalski's horse (Equus przewalskii species or sub-species Equus przewalskii fans or sub-species Equus caballus przewalskii), or horse Prjevalski, is a species or subspecies very close to the horse (Equus caballus).

The horse Prjevalski be a forerunner of the domesticated horse. It was "discovered" late in 1881, by Colonel N. Mr. Prjevalski. The Russian explorer in the Dzoungarie found in the mountains bordering the Gobi desert. Before this event, this case was regarded as extinct, for its meat decimated by hunters Mongolian. After its discovery, in response to requests from different zoos, and because of its wild nature, hunters have killed entire groups to steal a few horses. This led to his disappearance hunting in the wild. But the case was perpetuated by specimens zoos effectively, since the late twentieth century, the species had 1600 individuals. Projects designed to bring them back to Mongolia began to emerge. After ten years of preparation, twelve horses were released after reading the 6 000 kilometers separating the Lozere, where they were reacclimates to life in freedom, Mongolia.

This horse looks like the horse Riwoché discovered in 1995 by the explorer and writer Michel Peissel in the region of Kham in Tibet.

The horse Prjevalski differs genetically domesticated the horse because he sixty-six chromosomes and not sixty-four. His appearance reveals several traits "primitive": a big head, eyes placed vertically and not on the sides, long ears, a thick neck, a big body with a dark stripe mullet and zebrures on members. It measures about 1.20 - 1.30 m and has a dress isabelle with dark ends, a clear tip of the nose and dark hair. The mane grows straight and driven each year, there is no nerve.

Unable to discipline by nature, it can neither be identified nor mounted. The horse Prjevalski survives on very meagre rations and can withstand extreme heat and cold.

Scientific name
Several species whose close ties phylogenetic are not specifically identified, are either placed in the same genre (Equus) is the same species (Equus fans). As a result, there are several scientific names synonyms for the Przewalski Horse:

* Equus przewalskii

in this case, the Przewalski's horse would be considered a species in its own right.

* FERUS Equus przewalskii

in this case, it would be a sub-species of Equus fans.

* Equus caballus przewalskii

in this case, it would be a sub-species of domestic horse, able to reproduce with him.

While the current debate on gender Equus is summarized on the site IUCN in section Taxonomic Notes.

The Modern Times
An exchange programme through the zoos of the world has enabled its reintroduction in Mongolia, its territory of origin.

The last Tarpan pure (horse Gmelini, European counterpart of the Przewalski Horse) died at the zoo in Munich in 1887. The last wild individual was killed a few years before, in what is now Ukraine.

Read also Przewalski Horse


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