The deer (Cervidae) form a family of ruminant mammals with an even number of fingers and including deer, reindeer and deer.
* The word "fawn" represent the young of various species (particularly among deer, deer, deer, reindeer).
* The hère is a young deer from six months to one year, which does not even wood.
* The daguet is a young deer that bears his first wood.
* The brocade is the male one year from deer, sika deer or deer.
* For some species, females also bear a specific name:
O deer / deer
O deer / Chevrette
O suede / doe
Key features
The special deer is wearing wood, bone bodies fell on the head of males. There are, however, some exceptions:
* In the reindeer, both sexes wear wood;
* In some species, the woods are absent (Hydropotes inermis), or vestigial (Pudu genres and Mazama).
The deer are the last great wild ruminants temperate regions. Throughout the world, there are 44 species divided into 17 genres.
The most common deer in the forests of Europe are red deer (Cervus elaphus), deer (Capreolus capreolus), deer (Dama dama) although the latter is no longer present in the wild. In Scandinavia, in addition to the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) and momentum (Alces alces), it is also present in Central Europe. Other species were acclimatised in Europe and can meet occasionally, as Sika deer (Cervus nippon).
They are distinctly divided into two sets phylogenetically coherent: one Asian and Palearctic (European cervids), the other Nearctic and Neotropical (deer American). Three species just beyond the norm, with a breakdown Holarctic: The red deer (or elk in America), reindeer (caribou) and momentum (or moose).
The size of the deer is that of a hare (for the pudu) to a horse (the momentum).
Lists of species
They are divided into four sub-families:
* Sub-family Capreolinae including deer, elk, daguets, poudous ...:
O Capreolus genre:
+ Capreolus capreolus, deer
O Alces genre:
+ Alces alces, elk or moose.
o Kind Odocoileus
+ Odocoileus hemionus
+ Odocoileus virginianus
o Kind Ozotoceros
+ Ozotoceros bezoarticus
o Kind Mazama
+ Mazama americana, daguet red.
+ Bricenii Mazama, mazame dwarf gray.
+ Chunyi Mazama, daguet dwarf.
+ Mazama gouazoubira, daguet gray.
+ Mazama nana, mazame dwarf.
Mazama Pandora +
+ Mazama rufina
o Kind Pudu
+ Pudu mephistophiles
+ Pudu puda
o Kind Blastocerus
+ Blastocerus dichotomus, swamp deer.
o Kind Hippocamelus
+ Hippocamelus antisensis, guemal Peru.
+ Hippocamelus bisulcus, guemal Chile.
o Kind Rangifer
+ Rangifer tarandus, reindeer or caribou.
* Sub-family Cervinae including deer (axis, elk, deer ...), Sika deer ...:
o Kind Axis
+ Axis axis, the axis deer.
o Kind Cervus
+ Cervus canadensis, elk. (Formerly Cervus elaphus elk)
Cervus + (Ruvervus) duvaucelii, barasinga.
+ Cervus eldi (Ruvervus), Eld deer.
Cervus + (Ruvervus) schomburgki, deer Schomburgk, disappeared in the thirties.
+ Cervus elaphus, red deer.
+ Cervus mariannus, deer in the Philippines.
+ Cervus nippon, Sika deer.
o Kind Dama
+ Dama dama, the deer.
Dama mesopotamica +, the Persian fallow deer. Sometimes regarded as a subspecies of previous: Dama dama mésopotamica.
o Kind Elaphurus
+ Elaphurus davidianus
* Subfamily Hydropotinae
o Kind Hydropotes
+ Hydropotes inermis, deer Water China.
* Subfamily Muntiacinae
o Kind Muntiacus
+ Muntiacus atherodes
+ Muntiacus crinifrons
+ Muntiacus feae
+ Muntiacus gongshanensis
+ Muntiacus muntjac
+ Muntiacus putaoensis
+ Muntiacus reevesi
+ Muntiacus trungsonensis
+ Muntiacus vuquangensis
o Kind Elaphodus
+ Elaphodus cephalophus
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