Agama agama

The Siedleragame (Agama agama) is a lizard and belongs to the family of dragons (Agamidae).


Settlers Agamas have a distinct color change, but only during the day is visible. During the night, the settlers uniformly grey dragons. Depending on the mood change the settlers Agamas their color. The females, young and rangniedere males have a brown to gray body color. Male dominance are in their olive green, or even the flattened body and the yellow to orange to red on the head and tail visible. Depending on the subspecies pulls the color of the head on the front. Their magnificent colors take on the males if they are in a higher court warming up during the day. The females show during pregnancy to the flanks yellow to orange spots on the head and turquoise points. You can reach a body length of 30 to 40 centimeters, with the females remain smaller than the males. The long, round tail is unlike the iguanas or Skinken not abwerfbar.

Agamas settlers live in colonies with a dominant male in a defined area. The group can take up to 25 individuals. At Sunrise, the group members active. During the day remains the dominant males often to a higher court and can be seen in its colours. Even otherwise warm to the settlers like dragons to a higher place in the sun. In doing so they rely on their front legs and stretch the body, occasionally, the tail, diagonally upward. When a geschlechtsreifes young males umfärbt, it is by the dominant male distributed and must have a separate area. In a fight with a rival turn the head with the struggling male brown and the body appear white points. The males give zischende noises of themselves and try the head of an opponent with the tail to take. Previously, however, they take a Drohhaltung. This move his head jerkily back and forth, lift the body off the ground and fold the skin wrinkles on the throat apart.

For all group members, there are clearly defined hunting areas. Settlers dragons are not choosy in their diet. They eat everything they can grab and devour. On their menu will include insects, spiders and other invertebrates. Even small mammals or reptiles. Occasionally, they also herbal diet to be.

The mating season is dependent on the rainy season. The female calls by the male's tail movements to violent mating. After successful mating the female lays down after about ten weeks in a selbstgegrabenen damp Erdmulde between stones or plants three to eight eggs. In order to hide the nest, the female smooths the soil above the clutch. During the development period can be found in the eggs of the soil moisture and increase in volume. After two to three months to slip, the young animals.

Agamas settlers live in central Africa and live in trees, bushes, stony terrain, rocks or walls, inter alia, in the steppes and savannas, in the vicinity of human settlements and along the coast near the beach.

* Agama agama savattieri


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