Orange-headed Thrush

The Orange-headed Thrush (Zoothera citrina) is a member of the thrush family, Turdidae.

It is common in well-wooded areas of India, China and southeast Asia. Most populations are resident. The species shows a preference for shady damp areas, and like many Zoothera thrushes, can be quite secretive.

Orange-headed Thrushes are omnivorous, eating a wide range of insects, earthworms and fruit. They nest in trees. They do not form flocks.

Males of this small thrush have uniform grey upperparts, and orange head and underparts. Females and young birds have browner upper parts.

The race Zoothera citrina cyanotus is a resident in the hills of southern India and the Western Ghats. They have a white throat and two black stripes running below the eyes. This race is known locally as the White-throated Ground Thrush.

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